About us

city, art, street-art, architecture, research, education, biodiversity, futurology

Since 2010, the Puszka Foundation has been grassroots monitoring, documenting, and describing public art in Warsaw and Poland. From the very beginning of its operations, the foundation has been engaged in the public space, with a particular focus on art. This involvement includes organizing events and exhibitions, creating maps and guides for Warsaw, and conducting city walks. The foundation is active in publishing, supporting initiatives in the fields of art, architecture, biodiversity, and design. Moreover, it conducts interdisciplinary research on public space, exemplified by a 3-year research project on Warsaw’s squares, which was awarded the S3KTOR prize for the best non-governmental initiative in 2019. What distinguishes all of the Puszka Foundation’s initiatives is the long-term nature of its projects and the non-commercial dimension of its activities.

Puszka Foundation
ul. Wodniaków 27
03-992 Warsaw
KRS 0000398709
NIP 9512349325

Foundation Board

Aleksandra Litorowicz
Martyna Obarska
Anna Pietraszko

Website by
Michał Szota